Friday, February 19, 2010

Update on Renaissance Fair Planning

Here are Renaissance committees that need you; please look them over and contact Sally Gross ( or the Committee Chairs as to where you will help. The money earned will go for a new portable PA system, our new library, and $200 grants for our teachers.

Publicity…Lisa Nelson…687-3791
Vendors/Merlin’s Market Place…Janet Bice…360-1663
Food/Shakespeare’s Tavern…John and Nancy Williams…691-0248
Raffle…We need a Chairman
Live/Silent Auction…Debby Lauret…756-5110
Dessert Auction/King’s Pastries…Lorinda Tyler Pohontsch…616-3674
Royalty Committee…Christi Knott…501-9314
Carnival Booths…Christi Knott…501-9314
Entertainment…Carolyn Lundberg…785-9292
Facilities… We need a Chairman
Maypole…Cassie Danfors…598-0513…

Thanks goes out to Kristi Collings for designing our Renaissance Faire money.

Attention -We are going to have an auction at the Renaissance Faire -- start gathering stuff to donate. Things like used desk or furniture in good repair; if you have two blenders, donate the other; etc. Contact Debby Lauret -- she is chairman for the auction: or 756-5110.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Winterfest Slide Show

We Need You! We Want You!

Listed below are the committees we have set up for the Renaissance Faire. Please contact the person in charge of that committee if you would like to help. There are several committees that still need a chairman. If you are willing, let us know right away! (Contact Sally Gross at

Carnival Booths-Chairman: Christi Knott,, 501-9314
Publicity-Chairman: Lisa Nelson,, 687-3791
Shakespeare's Tavern: John and Nancy Williams,, 691-0248
Entertainment: Carolyn Lundberg,, 785-9292
Dessert Auction: Lorinda Tyler-Pohontsch,, 616-3674
Facilities: Chairman-We need YOU!
Merlin's Market-Janet Bice
Silent/live Auction-Debby Lauret,
Royalty Committee-Chairman-We need YOU!
Maypole Dance-Chairman-We need YOU!
Raffle-Chairman-We need YOU!

PTO committee meetings, where we'll be planning the Renaissance Faire, are held the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the school. Additional meetings just for planning the Faire, will be the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. through April. (April's meetings are bumped down one week due to Spring Break.) See side bar of the blog for exact dates. Meetings are fun and kept to just an hour long! We need YOU! Please join us!

What is a Renaissance Faire Anyway?

Quoting from this "all things Renaissance" site: A Renaissance Faire is an amalgam of many things. Its partly a craft fair, its partly historical reenactment, its partly performance art.

The purpose for very own Maeser Renaissance Faire is to have fun earning money for our new school. Specifically to raise money for a new portable PA system and to buy books for the library.

At the faire you will find:
  • community craft booths
  • student run booths
  • student performances
  • a silent auction
  • a raffle
  • games for the kids
  • food for the family
  • kings, queens, princes, princesses, knights and ladies in waiting

Come join in the fun on Saturday May1 from noon to 4:00 p.m. at the Lindon Park! If you'd like to volunteer to help with any of the many committees, contact Sally Gross at We need you!